Norwood Piano Studio  Private Piano Lessons

Federation Hymn Festival

Festival Hymn Playing Event

DATE: TBD for spring 2022

PLACE: various locations

TIME: Your child's time to play will be announced one week before the Festival.

THE FESTIVAL: The Festival is conducted by the North Carolina Federation of Music Clubs, under the auspices of the National Federation of Music Clubs, for the purpose of encouraging students to a higher level of musicianship, giving them the opportunity to be heard by someone other than their own teachers, and helping them realize that they are part of a large community of young musicians.

REPERTOIRE: The student will perform two hymns (with music) for the judge. One hymn is from the required National Federation List, the second hymn is from an approved list.

RATINGS: Each student will be heard individually and given a performance rating by a teacher referred to as "The Judge". The performance will be judged on accuracy of notes, rhythm, dynamics, general musicianship, and showing musical leadership with a congregation. Ratings will be given based on what the judge hears the day of the Festival.

Federation Hymn Playing is a NON-COMPETITIVE event, meaning that students are not compared with each other, they are simply critiqued on how accurately they express details of the music as it is printed. 

* Superior - Highest performance rating. It is given for a very accurate performance. The performance must be, in the opinion of the judge, superior. Complete, outstanding performance, attention to all details, rapid recovery from minor slips (slips do not detract from interpretation).

* Excellent - Honor rating. It is given for a performance with a high degree of accuracy, just not as good as Superior. This is a rating to be proud of. Promising, strong performance showing accomplishment, minor discrepancies in details, slips detract from presentation.

* Satisfactory - Shows accomplishment, additional work needed in one or more areas for convincing presentation. This is a desirable rating.

* Fair - Some commendable aspects, severe deficiencies in fundamentals show lack of preparation, not ready for performance.

* Needs Improvement - obviously poorly prepared and appears unconcerned with performance.

The decision of the judge must be final. There is nothing that the Festival chairman or your teacher can or should try to do to change a rating. If the rating is less than hoped for, help your child to accept the disappointment and focus on preparation for future events.

Everyone involved in the Festival (monitors, judges, teachers and many behind-the-scenes-workers) wants the Festival to be a happy and stimulating experience for your child. If the student is well prepared, the Festival should go well for him. Encourage your child to work hard now so he/she can relax and enjoy performing.