Norwood Piano Studio  Private Piano Lessons

NCMTA Piano Performance Festival


DATE: Spring 2022, date TBD




* District: Students first enter the District Performance Festival.

State: Junior B, Senior A, and Senior B Division students who receive a "Highest Honors" mark at District level are invited to participate at the State level performance festival.  Students receiving a "Highest Honors" mark at State Level are invited to participate in an Honors Recital later the same day as the festival.

State Conference Honors Recital: All Senior A and Senior B Division students who receive a "Highest Honors" mark at the state level are invited to perform at the North Carolina Music Teachers Association State Conference in October.

REPERTOIRE REQUIREMENTS: Students must perform from memory one composition from each of three musical eras on the required list.

JUDGES: Judges are rotated each year throughout the state. They may not judge within their home district. There will be one judge in each room.

* Highest Honors - Awarded to those students who play with meticulous accuracy, in the correct style for the composer, and with imagination. (Students on the Junior "B" and Senior "A" and "B" Level who receive this rating may enter the State Contest.) Students earning a Highest Honors rating will receive a gold seal on their certificates.

* Merit - Awarded for accuracy and observation of details of the score. (This is definitely a meritorious rating.)  Students earning a Merit rating will receive a silver seal on their certificates.

The decision of the judge is final. There is nothing a parent or teacher can or should try to do to change a rating.

The NCMTA Piano Performance Festival is a prestigious contest. The judges are always cordial and pleasant, but they are strict, and Highest Honors ratings are hard to come by. Students earning a Highest Honors rating in NCMTA are considered very talented. In the Charlotte District, we average about five Highest Honors per fifty junior entrants. The percentage is a little higher in the senior division, but there are fewer contestants. 

Students who earn a Highest Honors rating at the District level in Junior B, Senior A and Senior B divisions are invited to participate in the NCMTA Piano Performance Festival at the State level.  The student who earns a Highest Honors rating at State level is exceptionally talented. Since top honors go only to the gifted, a rating of Highest Honors has become an important credential for the serious piano student. It is indeed a privilege to be asked to participate in this event. The comments from the judge should be valued as the student matures musically.

New for Spring 2017 - there is now an NCMTA Piano Duet Performance Festival.  See details online.